gb100 took a lot of time to pwn for us as we ran out of ideas really fast and it was mostly guessing. Anyway, this is a small writeup about this really simple problem from the DEFCON 19 CTF.
The description of this problem contained only a host:port which we had to connect to. For the first 4 to 6 hours of the contest the server simply closed any incoming connection on the specified port, which caused us to try a lot of strange protocols, only to find out 4 hours later that the problem was fixed and was simply an HTTP server.
On every request, the server replied a “HTTP/1.1 408 Too Slow” error code, followed by some fixed Date and Last-Modified headers which turned out to be useless. The solution to that problem was to connect to the server using the SPDY protocol from Google, which is implemented in Google Chrome. You can force Chrome to use SPDY to connect to a website by launching it with the “–use-spdy=no-ssl” flag on the command line. After this is done, the server simply returns a text/plain content with “you are speedy enough, but not good enough”.
After a lot of time spent trying to fuzz SPDY headers and racing to be the first to connect to the server after each of its apparently scheduled downtime, we discovered that requesting /cgi-bin/ did not display the string but an HTTP 404 error, which was really odd. We then tried to guess what could be in this /cgi-bin/ directory: printenv, phpmyadmin, etc. and found a /cgi-bin/phf binary, which is mostly known to be the most vulnerable CGI script in the universe. We were able to launch commands on the web server, and a “ls” showed that a “key” file was present in $PWD. The query string was filtered and denied the command launch if the string “key” was found in the command line, but doing “cat *” was fine and gave us the key for this problem.
Stay tuned for a b300 writeup soon (today or tomorrow depending on my schedule)
[…] of SPDY to connect to the server, this is also explained by one of the other teams in a write up here. However it was a nice exercise to create packets with scapy again and since I could not find a lot […]
Hilarious. I too used scapy to send an ACK-GET for this one. Except I set the URG flag in the TCP header. Also played with the window size quite a bit. It’s a shame too, my first impulse was to use SPDY. I used nbhttp and made several requests but got back a “normal” 408 response. I guess I checked it off prematurely.